Dairies and Processing Plants
Accuracy in milk and dairy testing
Dairy processing plants have a unique need for highly accurate, precise and repeatable instrumentation when dealing with both quality testing and payment testing. For decades, Bentley Instruments has been servicing laboratories with appropriately sized and scaled instruments for approved component and quality testing (fat, protein, lactose, somatic cell count, bacteria count etc.).
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Herd Improvement
Speed and reliability in raw milk testing
Central laboratories across the globe rely on our highly reliable instrumentation to provide results for herd management. The need for compliant component testing (fat, protein, lactose, somatic cell count, bacteria count etc.) is met with high efficiency and throughput. The Bentley Instruments product line includes models that test from 50 to 500 samples per hour, making it easy to select a model for almost any laboratory.
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Regulatory Oversight
Approved performance
Regulatory agencies around the world help the dairy industry ensure that proper standards and protocols are met. Bentley Instruments help these agencies achieve their objectives with a series of instruments for the precision measurement of fat, protein, lactose, somatic cells, and bacterial load. The instruments allows for a worryfree ownership in any lab tasked with testing for regulatory compliance. The lab will come to appreciate Bentley Instruments dedication to the dairy industry and the service/support that we give all of our customers.
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